Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 8...School Work

BayLea is doing really well in first grade. Here she was labeling the parts of a bee.

October 7...The most important part of t-ball is....

The trophy!

October 7...Horse Back Ride

Mimi and Pa have borrowed some horses to help eat down the grass in the field. BayLea loves Commanche and this was her first time riding him.

October 5...SLIDE!

He picked up this slide this year...sometimes he actually made it to home plate!

October 4...

Breccan got to bring home Easy Rider, the traveling bear from pre-k. It cracks me up how excited he was, (and BayLea too, back when she got to bring home Picasso) to bring home a stuffed animal. But to be honest, he was probably the most excited about the camera that came with it. I had to hide the camera so he didn't use it all up!

October 3...Birthday Boy

I CAN NOT believe my little man is going to be 5! Where has time gone? We went out, just the two of us, to shoot pictures for his invitations. I had several favorites, this, obviously, was one of them!

October 2...Apple Orchard Fun!

Ah, man, I love this photo and all the ones I took that day. BayLea, you did so awesome! And thank you Kathleen for your fun additions to this shoot!

October 1

My very poor attempt at getting both kids together for some off camera flash stuff! Didn't really work. They tried, but I struggled and the light went away really fast!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I missed a couple days in my pictures. This is Breccan after pre-k going into our liquor store. This year, I have to leave work a little early, pick him up and get him to Daddy at the store, and then go back to work. This is him after I drop him off and he has spotted daddy in the store. Then he waves to me so I know it's okay to leave.

September 18

Playing with some off camera flash. I like the flare!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 17th...Puzzle Time

September 16...New Bike

I got a new bike. Now we can ride as a family!

September 15...Curlers

We put curlers in BayLea's hair...she said it was hard to sleep in them, but the next day she looked so darned cute!!!!

September 14...Baseball Pout

Not happy...for whatever reason. Just basically pouting at the game tonight.

September 13...Nose in a Book

September 12

Bay kind of enjoys cooking...

September 11...Kids Aid

This program is for the kids without lots of food to eat on the weekend. We each donated money to the fundraiser.

September 10...Stylin'

She dresses like this all the time...She was a glittering girl and I wish I had the ability with the camera to capture all the sparkles!

September 9...Mini-Gator

September 8...Roar-er of the Week

BayLea was chosen as Roar-er of the Week at LOM. I was so excited for her!

September 7...Sleeping In

Friday, September 17, 2010

September 5...leah

August 4...50th Anniversary Party!

Mimi and Pa's first date was to see Love Me Tender at the Cooper Theater, which has been restored and renamed to the original theater title, Avalon.

September 3...First Sleep Over

BayLea was invited to a sleep over for a birthday party. I wasn't quite ready for this but she had a good time.

September 2...Number 1!

After a t-ball game...

September 1...Belt Promotion

August 31...Party in the Parking Lot!

Breccan had a t-ball game on Pa's birthday this year, so after the game, we went over the Moose parking lot, where they had parked their car, and had a party in the parking lot! Nothing like a trunk party, eh?

August 29...Breccan and his pets

This one is out of order! I should have BayLea's tooth first...uh oh!

We needed a picture of Breccan with his pets for his pre-k class. Obviously we couldn't have them together at the same time and so we took two pictures and put them together as one! Now if I could just remember to get it printed for pre-k!

August 30...LOST TOOTH!

BayLea was so excited to finally lose a tooth! It happened at school in the line to go in from lunch recess!

The tooth fairy came and brought her $5 and a fancy 50 cent coin!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

August 28...Monster Trucks

We went to the Monster Trucks and had to sit for two hours watching mud runs before the Trucks came out. I looked up at BayLea at one point and saw her completely loving that particular mud run. Lift camera...SNAP! I love this picture of her, out of focus and all!

August 27...Twins...kind of.

BayLea and her little friend came to school one day wearing identical clothes!

August 26...Breccan's First Day of School! Yay!

August 25...The Sky

August 24...Peach Fest

Mimi gave them each $5 to spend at the Peach Fest. They thought that was great!

August 23...Bay's First Day of school

August 22...Beautiful

They were both so pretty, I decided to post both!

August 21...True Love!

50th Wedding anniversary is coming up...trying for a picture for the paper!

August 20...Bye Daddy!

Daddy left for Seattle for Chad's wedding. We sure will miss him!

August 20...Meet the Pre-K Teacher Night

He's been so excited for this for months...

August 19...Meet the Teacher

BayLea is going to have a great year with Mrs. Pearson!

August 18...M&M jar!

Lynn, our secretary at school, made this! Isn't it cute?

August 17...Kidsplex

We spend a LOT of time here...

August 16...At the Park

August 15

August 14...Swining!

August 13...Sword Fight!

August 12

August 11...ME!

August 10