Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23...Water Boy

Never been afraid of water. Loves it. Dunks himself constantly. Tonight after washing his hair, he was just laying there with the water hitting him square in the face. This picture doesn't really show how he was really doing it but it's close!

June 22...Miss Susan and Kindermusic

The kids have been going to kindermusic with Susan for the majority of their lives. She is so fantastic! Susan, you need to come record some music at my dad's house! Get that fabulous voice on CD!

June 21...Swim Lessons

The kids started swimming lessons today. Breccan is such a crack up...he is sooooo close to taking off like an olympic soon as he stays horizontal instead of vertical. He flounders around doing all the right moves, with the exception of being horizontal! And when he backfloats, he hasn't gotten it that you don't put your head so far back that your face is underwater!

June 20...Father's Day

June 19...Last T-ball Game

Breccan has really loved t-ball. I love when he gets to play pitcher, catcher (my fav) or first base because he actually gets some action. We really need to work on throwing with him. He has quite the wind up and then he pegs the ball right to the ground in front of him!

June 18...Golfing at Redland Mesa

Jery and I spent the morning golfing. I actually did pretty good this time! I also spent some of the time NOT playing golf and taking pictures instead. I love this shot.

June 17...Life is like a bowl full of cherries!

June 16...I GOT NUTTIN'!

Sorry! I guess I didn't take anything for this day. Maybe I'll pull an archive picture!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 15...Target Balls

These big cement balls are a huge thing for my kids and have been since they were old enough to recognize that they were big red balls!

Again, loving the wide angle!

June 14...A Tangled Mess

I let my 4 year old comb my hair...I told him go straight down; the next time I looked up, it was a tangled mess. BayLea tried to help me get it out and I think it made it worse. Off to Great Clips we went, me with a comb sticking out of my hair, like the lady in Forget Paris with the bird in her hair.

BayLea took this...a 5D with the 24-70 lens is pretty heavy for a 6 year old to hold.

June 13...The Big Thrill

Why we spend $1000s of bucks to take them to SeaWorld, Legoland, Las Vegas...I'll never know. They loved washing the windows of the car at the gas station just as much!

June 12

This was BayLea's pose idea...I love it. This is LaJolla Beach. We went there for a few minutes after visiting Lego Land.

June 11

I chose this one because I love the distortion of the bucket. I'm starting to love this wide angle stuff!

June 10

June 9

Family picture on Ocean Beach

June 8...Ocean Beach

The courtyard of our hotel. It was too chilly to sit out here, and had it been warmer in San Diego, it would have been the best part about this hotel.

June 7...Secret Garden

June 6...Vacation

Our first nights were at the Monte Carlo. We had fun playing in the pool!

June 5...Dance Recital

June 4...Bee Work!

Friday, June 4, 2010

June 3...Buttons! Theme of the Week!

June 2...Beer!

This is the beer that my dear friend, Kathleen, was drinking for a seriously botched up book club. I'm posting two pictures today, because I also want to have a picture of Kathleen. I love her!

June 1...Blankie! Well Loved.

This has been BayLea's blankie since she was around a year old. It started out as a Broncos blanket. I cut it apart into smaller pieces back when we went to Sea World when BayLea was about 2 1/2 because I didn't want her hauling around a huge blanket all over Sea World. It has since been picked pretty much to threads, and STILL she hollers for her blankie whenever she is leaving the house, whenever she's going to watch TV or when it's bedtime. We always wait for the blankie to answer when she hollers for far it hasn't! LOL

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

May 31...Water Dump

This is my series shot for the twopeasinabucket theme week. (I'm terribly behind on these themes!)

Ethan was having so much fun playing in the water with Breccan and BayLea. He was also entertaining himself by pouring water on was cold!

may 30...the Cousins being Goofy

Taylor, Ethan and Leah. I love this shot...they all look like they're having so much fun!

May 29...Juco Selfie with my girl

TWO SELFIE'S IN A ROW! Taken with my point and shoot, held out in front!

May 28...Blurb books

I make a blurb book for all of our trips and the kid's birthdays. I have two (sometimes three) printed so that I can put one in their box for when they grow up and leave one downstairs so that they can be read and loved!

May 27...New play area

Jery said that they probably wouldn't play in it even if he did build it. I hope they will...